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Spirit of America postponed

Raymore’s 2020 Spirit of America Celebration will not be held on the originally scheduled July 2 date. Rather than cancelling the event, members of the Park Board, City Council and staff have made the decision to move the celebration to Friday, Sept. 11 to celebrate Patriot Day. To read this full story PLEASE buy the June 18 edition of the Raymore Journal.

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Missouri enters Phase 2

The state of Missouri officially entered Phase 2 of its “Show Me Strong Recovery” plan On Tuesday, June 16, effectively all statewide COVID-19-related restrictions. However, Missourians should not take this as a sign that the pandemic is over. To read full story PLEASE buy the June 18, 2020 issue of the Raymore Journal.

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Grandview Christian High School will graduate 14 on June 20

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic Grandview Christian High School was forced to postpone its 2020 graduation ceremonies, as most schools across the country were forced to do. Those ceremonies, however, have been rescheduled to take place on June 20. This year there will be 14 graduates at Grandview, their pictures are above. The graduation ceremony is scheduled to be hosted outside, but if weather is not acceptable, the ceremony will be moved inside. To see photos of all the Grandview Christian graduates PLEASE buy the June 11 edition of the Raymore Journal. ??????????????????????????????...

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Protests continue across area, nation

Just as the nation was beginning to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, protests broke out across the country in response to recent killings of black men that protesters and millions of Americans deem unjustifiable. Locally, protests turned violent at times in Kansas City. Meanwhile, Raymore officials staged and expressed peaceful solidarity towards the movement.

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