10th Annual Lion’s Chili Cook Off Fundraiser
By Raymore Journal staff
Bel-Ray Sunrise Lions Club and Raymore Lions Club are sponsoring their 10th annual chili cook off to benefit Belton’s BackSnack Program and the Ray-Pec C.A.N. Program again this year.
The event will happen from noon to 2 p.m. on April 9 at the High Blue Wellness Center located at 16400 N. Mullen Road, Belton, MO 64012. The contest will feature Belton’s Price Chopper and Hy-Vee Stores, Belton and Ray-Pec School Education Foundations, and local chili contestants.
Both a Grand Champion and Fan Favorite will be awarded $75 and trophy, a second-place winner $50 and trophy, and a third-place winner $25 and a trophy.
To enter the chili contest call Ron Branan, event chair, at 816-331-7252 and leave a message, or better yet, e-mail at ronlebran@aol.com. There is a $20 entry fee.
The clubs are expecting 15 to 20 chili contestants and will feature take-home bowls. In addition, there will also be several raffle items.
Each $5 donation will be allowed to taste as many chilis as desired and one bowl of their favorite chili to eat or take home. In addition, each donation will have the right to vote for their favorite contestant, store and school chilis.
Judges for the event include Belton Mayor Norman Larky Sr., County Tax Collector Roger Rafferty and City Council Lorrie Peek.