Ankita Kapoor attends healthcare academy
By Raymore Journal staff
Ankita Kapoor of Raymore, who will be in the 10th grade at Raymore Peculiar High School this fall, is one of 50 students who participated in the ATSU-Truman State University Healthcare Academy, June 12 to 17. The healthcare academy was developed in partnership with A.T. Still University of Health Sciences. Its mission is to serve as a summer institute for gifted and talented high school students interested in science and healthcare programs. While living on the Truman campus, healthcare students participate in hands-on activities and discussions. They learn about numerous healthcare professions and common situations health professionals may encounter during their careers. In addition to their course work, they participate in a variety of local community activities each day. Students who participate in the Healthcare Academy are nominated by school officials or area health education center officials. Ankita is the daughter of Vishal and Charmel Kapoor.