Hy-Vee Pharmacy locations across its eight-state region now offer test-to-treat COVID-19
By Raymore Journal staff
Hy-Vee, Inc. announces today that all Hy-Vee Pharmacy locations across its eight-state region now offer test-to-treat COVID-19 services using the COVID-19 antiviral, PAXLOVID, to help treat mild-to-moderate cases of COVID-19 in certain patients who are at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19.
Earlier this month, the FDA authorized state-licensed pharmacists to prescribe PAXLOVID to eligible patients ages 12+, with certain limitations.
In order to be prescribed PAXLOVID, patients must test positive for COVID-19. Select Hy-Vee Pharmacy locations offer rapid PCR COVID-19 testing (available by appointment only) with fast same-day test results, and all Hy-Vee Pharmacy locations offer over-the-counter, at-home COVID-19 tests, which may be available to patients for free* depending on their medical coverage.
After receiving a positive COVID-19 test result, patients will be screened by a state-licensed Hy-Vee pharmacist to determine their eligibility for PAXLOVID. COVID-19 antiviral patients are required to wear a mask when in the store.