This photo was taken from the Highway 58 bridge overlooking Interstate 49 at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 10. At the same time during the week, this section of I-49 is usually heavily congested. (Tyson Fisher / Raymore Journal)
I-49 widening, dozens of Cass County transport projects receive state approval
By Raymore Journal staff
It’s official. The I-49 widening project from 155th St. to North Cass Parkway is receiving funding from the state.
On July 6, the Missouri Highway Transportation Commission approved the $10 billion Statewide Transportation Improves Program (STIP). The program includes the $71 million I-49 widening project.
According to the city of Raymore, the Missouri Department of Transportation has begun preliminary design of the I-49 widening project. MoDOT expects the project to begin in the summer of 2024.
“This project has been worked on tirelessly by staff and former staff at so many levels and in so many meetings,” Raymore City Manager Jim Feuerborn said in a statement. “The City Council has been so vocal in the support of the project, with Mayor Turnbow and Councilmember Townsend being absolutely relentless in championing it at MARC, with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority and other critical agencies. Most importantly, our citizens committed $3 million in G.O. Bond money to show how important it was to them to complete.”
In 2020, Raymore voters approved a No Tax Increase General Obligation Bond Issue for street improvements that committed $3 million toward the I-49 widening project. The City of Belton, Cass County and Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) joined Raymore as partners in the effort to make this project a reality. The City of Belton and Cass County are also contributing funds to the project.
Other Cass County transportation projects in the final STIP include:
- Scoping for pavement resurfacing from Rte. 291 to Rte. 50.
- Scoping for pavement resurfacing from Blue Ridge Ave. to 163rd St.
- Scoping for bridge rehabilitation over Poney Creek, 0.6 mile north of Main Street and 0.1 mile south of 267th Street. Project involves bridge A2539.
- Scoping to modify interchange configuration and bridge replacement in Belton. Project includes twin bridges A2094 over I-49.
- Scoping for bridge rehabilitation at I-49. Project involves bridge A3222.
- Scoping to repair slides at South Grand River 0.4 mile from I-49.
- Scoping for slide repairs from 223rd St. to 227th Terrace.
- Scoping for safety improvements from Rte. B in Creighton to County Road NW-351.
- Pavement resurfacing from Independence Street to Rte. ZZ.
- Add roundabout at Rte. 58 south junction. $2,106,000 Open Container funds.
- Bridge rehabilitation over East Fork Creek, 0.6 mile east of Overpass Road and 0.6 mile east of Indian Springs Road. Project involves bridge A2293.
- Bridge replacement over Grand River, 1.2 miles north of Miller Road and 0.1 mile south of 237th Street. Project involves bridge G0484.
- Upgrade pedestrian facilities to comply with the ADA Transition Plan at various locations in Cass County. $731,000 Statewide Transportation Alternatives funds.
- Add roundabout at Prairie Road. $1,763,000 Open Container funds.
- Upgrade pedestrian facilities to comply with the ADA Transition Plan from 163rd Street to Richland Parkway and Rte. VV from Rte. 7 to Lexington Road. $886,000 Statewide Transportation Alternatives funds.
- Bridge replacement and auxiliary lane extension at I-49 1.4 miles south of Rte. 2 and 0.9 mile north of 283rd Project involves bridge A1496.
- Pavement resurfacing from 0.2 mile west of I-49 to 0.3 mile east of Rte. B in Creighton.
- Bridge replacement over Big Creek 0.3 mile north of Raffurty Road and 0.9 mile south of First Street near Pleasant Hill. Project involves bridge L0023.
- Upgrade intersection and add turn lanes from Legend Lane to the south intersection of Peculiar Drive in Peculiar. $300,000 STBG-Urban and $597,000 Peculiar funds.
- Bridge replacement over Coldwater Road, 0.1 mile south of East 319th Street and 0.3 mile north of 323rd Project involves bridge A2568.
- Pavement resurfacing from Rte. 58 to Rte. Y.
- Bridge rehabilitation over Massey Creek, 0.9 mile south of 231st Street and 1.1 mile north of Rte. Y. Project involves bridge A2251.
- Pavement resurfacing from Rte. 7 to Rte. E.
- Pavement resurfacing from Rte. Y to Rte. C in Peculiar.
- Scout Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) asset management and device replacements at various locations in Cass and Jackson Counties in the urban Kansas City District.
- Reconstruct Runway 18/35 and Install Navigational Aids.
- MEHTAP – Operating assistance for transportation services for elderly and individuals with disabilities. (Harrisonville)