The Missouri FFA Association recognized Noah Riley of the Pleasant Hill FFA Chapter as the Area 7 Star Farmer at the 94th Missouri FFA Convention. Front from left: April Riley, Noah Riley, Rim Riley. Back from left: Advisor AJ Wingard and Advisor Tyler Burgin. (Courtesy Photo)
Noah Riley of Pleasant Hill named FFA Area 7 Star Farmer
By Raymore Journal staff
The Missouri FFA Association recognized Noah Riley of the Pleasant Hill FFA Chapter as the Area 7 Star Farmer at the 94th Missouri FFA Convention. His parents are Tim and April Riley of Pleasant Hill. His advisors are AJ Wingard and Tyler Burgin.
Area Star Farmers are chosen based upon outstanding production agriculture in the student’s supervised agricultural experience program and active participation in FFA. Area 7 includes 25 chapters in the Central District.
MFA, Inc., Columbia, sponsors the 16 area Star Farmer awards and the State Star Farmer Award.
Riley’s supervised agricultural experience consists of beef production entrepreneurship and production placement. He owns 37 head of cattle and helps his father and uncle with their herd. Riley works for his father and uncle through exchange of labor agreements to afford expenses for his own cattle. He is also involved in growing over 2,400 acres of wheat and soybeans.
Riley served as chapter vice president twice. He participated at the Missouri Cattle Industry Speaking Contest. He also participated in livestock evaluation, horse evaluation and selection career development events and the agricultural sales leadership development event. He was the winner of the area beef placement proficiency and was selected for Helping Youth Maximize Agriculture eXperiences Academy his freshman year.
In addition to FFA, Riley is a member of the A+ program and the local 4-H club. He was captain of the football team. Riley is a member of the St. Bridget Parish Catholic Church. He is a part of the American Angus, Maine Anjou and Chianina Association.
After graduating high school, Riley plans to study energy technology at State Technical College of Missouri, Linn.