Prairie Road roundabout included in Missouri’s 5-year transport plan
By Raymore Journal staff
The Missouri Department of Transportation is accepting comments on the Missouri Statewide Transportation Improvement Program until June 17. Several projects are in Cass County.
A draft of the program and other related documents are available here.
Comments can be submitted here, via email to STIPcomments@modot.mo.gov, by phone at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (275-6636) or by standard mail to the following address:
Transportation Planning
Program Comments
P.O. Box 270
Jefferson City, MO 65102
The projects in the 2023-27 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program deliver what taxpayers have asked for – take care of the existing system. While $7.65 billion of available funding represents a significant investment, many regions will only have adequate funding to maintain current pavement and bridge conditions. While maintaining the status quo is not what Missourians desire, it is not prudent for the state to expand the transportation system in regions that struggle to take care of the existing system.
Below is the 2023-27 highway and bridge construction schedule. Projects on this schedule are funded and represent a commitment to implement an improvement, purchase right of way and/or construct. Projects on this schedule with right of way funding only represent commitment to buy right of way, not a commitment to construct.
Highway 58: Add roundabout at Prairie Road using $1.8 million in Open Container funds. Construction slated for this fall; Funding: Federal – $2.1 million, State – $232,000 Local – $0
Highway 58: Upgrade pedestrian facilities to comply with the ADA Transition Plan at various locations in Cass County. Construction slated for 2023; Funding: Advance construction – $2.5 million, State – $628,000 Local – $0
Interstate 49: Add lanes from 155th Street to North Cass Parkway in Belton. Construction slated for 2024. Probable removal if state fuel tax increase is repealed; Funding: Federal – $64 million, State: $7.1 million, Local – $0
State Route 2: Pavement resurfacing from Independence Street to Route ZZ. Construction slated for 2025; Funding: Advance construction – $2.6 million, State – $642,000 Local – $0
State Route 7: Upgrade pedestrian facilities to comply with the ADA Transition Plan from 163rd Street to Richland Parkway and Route. VV from Route 7 to Lexington Road. Construction slated for March 2023; Funding: Advance construction – $2 million, State – $511,000 Local – $0
State Route 7: Pavement resurfacing from 0.2 mile west of I-49 to 0.3 mile east of Route B in Creighton. Construction slated for January 2023. Probable removal if state fuel tax increase is repealed. Funding: Federal – $12.1 million, State – $3 million, Local – $0
State Route 7: Bridge replacement and auxiliary lane extension at I-49 1.4 miles south of Route 2 and 0.9 mile north of 283rd Street. Project involves bridge A1496. Construction slated for June 2023. Funding: Federal – $9.4 million, State – $2.4 million, Local – $0
State Route 7: Bridge replacement over Big Creek 0.3 mile north of Raffurty Road and 0.9 mile south of First Street near Pleasant Hill. Project involves bridge L0023. Construction slated for 2025. Funding: Federal – $6 million, State – $1.5 million, Local – $0
State Route 291: Add roundabout at 58 Highway south junction, using $2.1 million in Open Container funds. Construction slated for 2024; Funding: Federal – $2.8 million, State – $311,000 Local – $0
Route C: Upgrade intersection and add turn lanes from Legend Lane to the south intersection of Peculiar Drive in Peculiar. Construction slated for this fall. Funding: Advance construction – $2 million, State: $0 Local – $600,000 (Peculiar)
Route D: Bridge replacement over Coldwater Road, 0.1 mile south of East 319th Street and 0.3 mile north of 323rd Street. Project involves bridge A2568. Construction slated for 2024. Funding: Federal – $1 million, State – $247,000 Local – $0
Route D: Pavement resurfacing from 58 Highway to Route Y. Construction slated for 2024. Funding: Advance construction – $938,000 State – $235,000 Local – $0
Route D: Bridge rehabilitation over Massey Creek, 0.9 mile south of 231st Street and 1.1 mile north of Route Y. Project involves bridge A2251. Construction slated for 2025. Probable removal if state fuel tax increase is repealed. Funding: Federal – $1.1 million, State – $269,000 Local – $0
Route VV: Pavement resurfacing from Route 7 to Route E. Construction slated for 2024. Funding: Advance construction – $377,000 State – $94,000 Local – $0
Route YY: Pavement resurfacing from Route Y to Route C in Peculiar. Construction slated for 2024. Funding: Advance construction – $827,000 State – $207,000 Local – $0
Overpass Road 49: Bridge rehabilitation over East Fork Creek, 0.6 mile east of Overpass Road and 0.6 mile east of Indian Springs CASS Road. Project involves bridge A2293. Construction slated for April 2023; Funding: Federal – $570,000 State: $143,000 Local: $0
Overpass Road 49: Bridge replacement over Grand River, 1.2 miles north of Miller Road and 0.1 mile south of 237th Street. Project involves bridge G0484. Construction slated for March 2023; Funding: Federal – $1 million, State: $268,000 Local – $0
Various: Scout Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) asset management and device replacements at various locations in Cass and Jackson Counties in the urban Kansas City District. Construction slated for 2024. Probable removal if state fuel tax increase is repealed. Funding: Advance construction – $756,000 State – $189,000 Local – $0
Scoping and design projects listed in Cass County. Projects listed in this section are not commitments to construct or implement an improvement.
58 Highway: Scoping for pavement resurfacing from state Route 291 to Route 50; Funding: Federal – $20,000 State – $5,000 Local – $0
58 Highway: Scoping to modify interchange configuration and bridge replacement in Belton. Project includes twin bridges A2094 over I-49; Funding: Federal – $2,000 State: $1,000 Local: $0
Interstate 49: Scoping for pavement resurfacing from Blue Ridge Avenue to 163rd Street; Funding: Federal – $360,000 State – $40,000 Local – $0
State Route 2: Scoping for bridge rehabilitation over Poney Creek, 0.6 mile north of Main Street and 0.1 mile south of 267th Street. Project involves bridge A2539; Funding: Federal – $3,000 State – $1,000 Local – $0
State Route 7: Scoping for safety improvements from Rte. B in Creighton to County Road NW-351; Funding: Federal – $2,000 State – $0 Local – $0
Route A: Scoping for bridge rehabilitation at I-49. Project involves bridge A3222; Funding: Advance construction – $16,000 State – $1,000
Route B: Scoping to repair slides at South Grand River 0.4 mile from I-49; Funding: Federal – $18,000 State – $2,000 Local – $0
Route D: Scoping for slide repairs from 223rd Street to 227th Terrace; Funding: Federal: Advance construction – $16,000 State – $4,000 Local – $0
Additionally, the railroad crossing at County Road 263 Anaconda in Harrisonville is under conceptual review. The crossing at Route P in Pleasant Hill is also under conceptual review.
Lastly, Harrisonville will receive funding for the Missouri Elderly & Handicapped Transportation Assistance Program (MEHTAP), which operates assistance for transportation services for elderly and individuals with disabilities. Funding includes a 50/50 split between state and local government at $20,500 each.
According to MoDOT, the state’s road and bridge systems rank among the largest for any state in the nation. Over the last 10 years, Missourians have invested in 4,300 projects totaling $11 billion to maintain and improve the system. Nearly $8 billion is estimated to be available for projects over the next five years for additional improvements. The Missouri Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan lists transportation projects planned by state and regional planning agencies for fiscal years 2023 through 2027.
On average, Missouri drivers pay $32 per month in fuel taxes and fees to fund the maintenance and improvements of the state’s transportation system. Over the last 10 years, Missourians have invested in 4,300 projects totaling $10.9 billion to maintain and improve the system. Looking forward, $7.65 billion is estimated to be available for projects over the next five years for additional improvements.
“Since transportation needs greatly outweigh funding available, the challenge is determining the optimal projects to fund that provide the greatest return on investment to taxpayers,” MoDOT states in the draft plan. “Across every region of the state, feedback from Missourians has consistently prioritized maintaining the existing system as the highest priority. Other priorities include projects that improve safety and reliability, spur economic growth and provide more transportation choices.”
Although the vast majority of the projects listed in the Missouri Statewide Transportation Improvement Program merely preserve road and bridge conditions, MoDOT looks into improvement projects on the busiest corridor whenever funding allows.