Raymore city council approves three bills, including Recreation Activity Center expansion
By Raymore Journal staff
The city council approved of three bills on the first reading by unanimous vote.
Bill 3732:
The 2020 No Tax Increase Bond Issue called for phase two of the Raymore Activity Center located in Recreation Park. The project involves an expansion of the gymnasium/activity space which includes a full court gymnasium with volleyball courts and multipurpose rooms for programs, classes and rentals. In addition, the expansion will address storage space, include additional restroom facilities and support staff areas.
This proposal includes the following services: Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding and Construction Administration.
In accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy, staff issued a Request for Qualifications to Engineering firms. The following firms submitted a response: Insite Design and SFS Architecture
Staff reviewed the statement of qualifications submitted and held a two-part interview process with members of the City Management team along with Parks and Recreation staff members.
SFS Architecture has worked with the city on previous projects such as the original Raymore Activity Center design and the award-winning design and master plan of Hawk Ridge Park. Staff recommends award of contract for SFS Architecture to provide design/construction management services for the Raymore Activity Center expansion project.
Bill 3730:
Staff prepared a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide delivery of bulk road salt to the City. The RFP was publicly advertised. Three vendors responded to the notice for bid and requested documents.
Central Salt, LLC is the current supplier of bulk salt. They have provided reliable and excellent service.
Staff recommends award of the contract to Central Salt, LLC.
Bill 3737:
Jake Loveless, representing Griffin Riley Property Group, is requesting final plat approval for the Ascend 1st Plat, which creates a developable lot for the proposed Ascend at Raymore townhome subdivision south of Dawn Street and east of Sunrise Drive.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their July 19, 2022 meeting, voted 8-0 to recommend approval of this request.
In addition, the Commission voted 8-0 to approve the site plan application associated with this final plat request.