Shop with a Cop helps 50 area children during the holidays
By Raymore Journal staff
The Raymore Police Department’s Shop with a Cop program is back to normal operations after experiencing a minor setback last year.
On Dec. 15, police officers took 50 children holiday shopping as part of Shop with a Cop. In its sixth year, the program gives the Raymore Police Department the opportunity to help area children in need of assistance during the holidays.
With the pandemic still impacting Raymore, last year’s Shop with a Cop was trimmed. About 35 children participated. Spending money was cut in half. Instead of accompanying children during their shopping spree, officers maintained a safe distance by hanging out in the Walmart parking lot next to the department’s command vehicle.
Although a new coronavirus variant is currently sweeping through the nation, the situation is better than it was last December. This year, more children are getting help through the program. Price Chopper gift card amounts are twice as much, and kids are back to having $100 to spend at Walmart.
It’s a better year for the women and men in blue as well. With pandemic-related restrictions no longer in place, officers were able to tag along with the children to help them manage their spending.
In addition to the Price Chopper gift card, Shop with a Cop appears to be carrying on another tradition established last year. New to the program in 2020, the Raymore Police Department continues to make scarves and other winter accessories available to children.
Shop with a Cop accepts donations year-round
Throughout the year, Raymore police officers compete to see who can raise the most money. Residents can participate in the competition by donating to Shop with a Cop in honor of an officer. Donations may be dropped off in person at the “Utilities” window at city hall. Checks can be sent to:
City of Raymore
ATTN: Shop with a Cop/PD
100 Municipal Circle
Raymore, MO 64083
The name of a favorite police officer can be written on the memo line of the check.
There is also an online option. Go to Raymore.com and click “Police” under the “Government” tab. From there, “Shop with a Cop” will be on the left-hand side of the page.
Donations are tax-deductible through the Raymore Community Foundation, the City’s 501(c)3 organization.
Another method of raising money for the program includes officers participating in No Shave November. Beginning Nov. 1, officers can avoid the razor by chipping in at least $25. Participating officers are ready for shopping day with Santa beards.
According to Capt. Jim Wilson, the Raymore community rallies behind the police department every year. While being interviewed, one Walmart customer handed Capt. Wilson money for next year’s funds. Another customer stopped to tell Capt. Wilson how happy she is to see the police department helping the children.
Capt. Wilson is certainly the person to thank. He is the one who brought the Shop with a Cop program to Raymore in 2016. Only 10 kids participated that year. Since then, participation is up fivefold.